Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Experience Learning is bringing to bear our proven risk management structure to do our part to protect our staff, guests, and the broader public health. In what is inherently a fluid situation, in order to be able to make sound decisions, we are planning six weeks to two months into the future for group events. At this time it is our expectation that programs conducted exclusively by Experience Learning will be cancelled through June. Individual events that have been established with partner organizations will be decided on a case by case basis in concert with those partners.
While campus is closed our core staff remains busy as ever, making good use of this time to give the facility some needed care and to delve deeply into curriculum, policies, and procedures (including our exciting new online investigations available for students now). We fully intend to emerge from this challenge much as we have from all our other adventures running rivers, climbing peaks, and exploring caves – stronger and more resilient with good humor and good stories. We look forward to seeing you online for now, and on Spruce when the time is right.
Our commitment is to make sound decisions in partnership with our medical control doctor (and Board Chair) within WV state guidelines, and to communicate our organizational position as regularly and clearly as we are able to our friends, guests, and constituents through all our media channels. If you have questions, concerns or encouragement, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@experience-learning.
Please see our most recent COVID policy for updates.